Community Link enables individuals to obtain and sustain safe, decent and affordable housing.

Get the Facts on Homeownership

Get the Facts is our free intro seminar designed to provide you an overview of our Homeownership Education and Counseling Program. We offer monthly Financial Empowerment Workshops, one-on-one financial counseling, and opportunities for down-payment assistance.

We stay with you every step of the way- come find out how we can help you become a first-time homeowner.

Our Impact

Reporting our most recent and completed fiscal year.

Asset Building

  • Prevented foreclosure for 193 families across 21 counties in North Carolina.

  • Provided financial education and counseling for 400 individuals working to become first-time homeowners.

Homeless to Housing

  • Housed 1,230 individuals across 16 North Carolina counties.

  • Aided 196 people under distress reach safe housing through Travelers Aid.

Free Tax Prep Program

  • Staff organized 60 volunteers across 8 partner sites to prepare 1,625 free tax returns for low-to-moderate income households in the 2023 tax season.

Support the people that we serve.