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If you have an immediate, non-emergency need to find shelter, The Coordinated Entry Hotline can be reached at
(704) 284-9665.

About Us

There is no better benefit to society than ensuring that every individual and family in our community has a safe, decent, and affordable place to call home.

Unaffordable housing is defined as being forced to spend more than a third of your income on housing. Annually, rental rates are increasing at a much higher percentage than wages- individuals earning “moderate incomes” who are successful renters find themselves challenged to buy a home, given the barriers to saving appropriately for a down payment. Helping to solve these problems is the driving force behind our programs and everything we do.

Our programs are aimed at reaching this goal through services that:

  • Assist our workforce whom are experiencing economic hardship
  • Educate to ensure individuals can sustain their own housing
  • Connect individuals to a variety of resources to help them achieve stable housing and finances
  • Empower families and individuals with knowledge for the homeownership journey
  • Help those who want to help themselves

Our Beliefs

  • Everyone deserves access to safe, decent and affordable housing
  • Homelessness can be successfully addressed
  • Solving homelessness benefits us all
  • Homeownership is possible if the customer is ready and willing
  • “Housing First” is an effective approach