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If you have an immediate, non-emergency need to find shelter, The Coordinated Entry Hotline can be reached at
(704) 284-9665.

Volunteer Info

Are you ready to dig in and make an impact? 

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)

Seasonally, we train volunteers for our Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. Training begins in the fall and volunteering with customers begins in January each year.

We will train you in two sessions! The tax returns are simple to prepare- and you gain a meaningful experience with the people you serve.

Community Link Committees

For more committed involvement, we are looking for talented and dedicated individuals to join one of our committees.

We have openings on our strategic planning, human resources, board development and audit committees:

  • The strategic planning committee monitors the effectiveness of our programs, helps set our long-range planning, and recommends any changes to our goals.
  • The human resources committee helps ensure Community Link attracts and keeps talented and dedicated staff.
  • The board development committee recommends top candidates to fill vacancies on our board of directors and provides education to the board.
  • The audit committee assists the board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities by reviewing our audited financial information.